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  • GUEST POST by A Site Born Out Of Frustration

Why Drone photography Info?

Before I can answer the question as to why I started, I have to first paint the picture of the scenario that led me to this great endeavor. I knew I loved everything there is to love about photography, one late night as I am relaxing last summer, I see a post on social media about how drone photography is the fastest growing sector in photography (not drones but photography). It was pretty late, so I promised myself the next time I had an hour I would find out as much as I can about this interesting topic.

A few days later I jump on the computer and I start to Google about the subject. No offense to all the amazing businesses and services in drone photography and video (Like the best of the best my friends here at Drone 55) but I was not looking for any services. I also had a bombardment of ads on everything that flies with a camera attached to it (I think I saw a shark drone with a camera) but I was not looking to buy a drone with a camera either? I wanted information about drone photography not to buy anything. So I click on the news tab and I get a few good news stories but most are about airliners and near misses with drones or territorial hawks who take these invaders down in their airspace. So I type in “drone photography info in California” and boom, the exact same search results. I was a little puzzled to say the least, I was actually frustrated that there existed no online destination for information on drone photography.

I began to be very specific with my search and realized that if you are very specific like “Drone Photography training in California” or “Drone Photography laws in my state” there did begin to pop up some very good information about those specific search queries. Then it hit me, just like that I had an epiphany? Why not start a site that was a one stop destination about all things in the drone photography space?

Hence a site was born… Drone Photography Info is your #1 resource for all things aerial photography & video using drones. Everything you need to know about drone photography is here!

So what kind of information can you find on the site? I wanted to build a site that provided all the information I did not get when I first started looking so I made a list and this list is what you will find on the site.

-What Drone Photography is used for

-Know before you fly information

-Drone Training

-Drone Photography Services

-Drone Groups/Clubs

-Drone Law/Regulations

-Drone Jobs (This is coming)

(We have some very cool features coming to the site so please stay tuned)

The best part about it is you can find information for each topic that pertains to your state. So if you live in Nevada or Idaho you can go to that state and find the groups that meet in the state or the best services in your area. Find out if there are any specific laws or regulations for operating a drone in your state to make sure you do not get in trouble with the law. I even created an infographic that was a quick visual reference to what you need to know before you fly so you can abide by the law. You can check out the “What is drone photography used for infographic” here. So now for anybody who goes to Google and types in “Drone Photography Info” you will find a site that is fun to use, full of rich information, videos, posts/articles, visual graphics and just a plethora of information, all the amazing information that led you to begin to search anyway. Trust me I know!

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